Creative Learning’: policies, practices, schools and young people

In December 2011, I gave a talk to the Dusseldorp Foundation in Sydney, Australia at a gallery in Paddington. The talk explored how the idea of creative learning has been prominent in debates around education reform in recent years. Based on recent and ongoing research and experience around the world I will talk about competing definitions of what ‘creative learning’ might mean, how it has been recognised, evaluated and described, how it has been imagined and  implemented in practice, and how ideas of creative leanring are present in studies of learning outside the school, especially in the techno-cultures of the young.

The talk is now available online here.


One thought on “Creative Learning’: policies, practices, schools and young people

  1. Jordi Botella de Maglia


    I am teacher in The IES Francisco Salinas (Secondary School), from Salamanca, Spain. I am very interesting in creative learning and how to apply it to may classes. I am gathering information but I can not find a definition, really compelling, of creative learning. The definitions I find are, at best, vague ideas, generalities, cliches, etc. Could you give me a definition of creative learning?, How would you define creative learning?

    Thank you very much

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