
My current projects include:

Recent projects include:

– studying the Non-Formal learning sector in London, Toronto and Vancouver as it as developed over the last 30 years as part of a Canadian Research Council project , called YouthSites, currently being developed as a book.

-studying the relationship between school and out-of-school learning institutions as part of an investigation into the global pedagogicization of everyday life, based at the University Oslo

-A ‘funds of knowledge’ development project working with school teachers to research the everyday digital in children’s lives

– researching the creative biographies of young people as they enter work in the creative industries as part of The Connected Learning Research Network, currently being developed into a book.

– ‘Revisiting learning lives: Longitudinal perspectives on literacy in educational research’ Social Sciences Research Council (Canada) in collaboration with Dr. Jennifer Rowsell, Brock University Ontario

– working on The Class research project at the LSE

– working on the Learning Lives project with the University of Oslo

– working on the Signature Pedagogies research project based at the University of Nottingham

– researching the work and roles of ‘Creative Agents’ for  Creative Partnerships

– writing a comparative study of validation in the cultural industries in the non-formal learning sector for STEP (LEONARDO) project

– jointly editing two books for Routledge about Creative Learning and acting as the general editor of a series of handbooks for teachers

– developing the New Spaces initiative at University of South Australia – both setting up non-formal learning opportunities in Adelaide and developing wider academic and policy theorisations of this field

– working on The Last Mile ( an EQUAL project) with WAC Performing Arts and Media College. This involved: developing a provocation about Creative Apprenticeships; researching ‘creative biographies’; mapping and describing the portfolio employment of artists from minority communities; researching business support in the creative and cultural industires aimed at ethnic minority community members; working with CCS (sector skills council) to map and devise alternative forms of creative apprenticeship; developing a network of independent training providers in London working in Film and Video

– advising the British Film Institute on its education strategy
– working with BOP, evaluating Culture Online

0 thoughts on “Projects

  1. Julian Sefton-Green Post author

    thanks for this email. please follow the links on the Deakin Phd Scholarship web page

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